Ear Wax Removal (Microsuction)

Is Wax Impacting on Your Hearing?

ear wax removal microsuction

Safe and Effective Ear Wax Removal


Microsuction is a safe and effective method of ear wax removal for those who find that the accumulation of wax in their ears has resulted in symptoms such as hearing loss or tinnitus.

Our trained Wax Removal Specialist uses surgical loupes to look directly into the ear canal and a very fine sterile suction device, rather than conventional syringing with water, to remove the wax without damaging the ear canal.

Please note an examination fee of £25 may be charged if our examination shows wax removal is not required.

We would advise clients to use almond / olive oil drops for a week prior to their appointment to aid wax removal. If wax cannot be completely removed at initial assessment a further appointment may be chargeable