Sound Sensitivity Clinic

Do Everyday Sounds Cause You or Your Child Discomfort?

sound sensitivity

Sound Sensitivity Clinic for Adults and Children


Do everyday sounds cause you discomfort?
Does the sound of people eating, cutlery scratching or bodily noises make you irritated or angry?

There are many different forms of sound sensitivity; Hyperacusis, Phonophobia, Misophonia, and Recruitment. Some are associated with damage to the hearing system while others are associated with anxiety or fear responses.

Sound sensitivity can occur in adults and in children. Figures suggest that incidence of sounds sensitivity in children is between 3.2 -17% and it is particularly prevalent in those with developmental and learning disorders. It is estimated that around 2% of the adult population have some degree of sound sensitivity.

At EAR we take the time to listen to your personal experience of sound sensitivity and alongside hearing and impact assessments tailor a treatment plan to your particular needs. The clinic is open to adults and children over the age of 3. We also offer group information sessions for parents of children with sound sensitivity problems.

Treatment for sound sensitivity is very much tailored to the individual client but may include:

  • Psychoeducation

  • Hearing aids

  • Wearable sound generators

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Exposure and Desensitisation

  • Sound enrichment

We also offer separate packages for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for sound sensitivity

Virtual Sound Sensitivity Appointments:

EAR are now offering virtual sound sensitivity consultations for client’s who are not able to attend our clinic in person. These sessions are charged at a reduced price (£130) and do not include hearing assessment or ear examination. Sessions can be conducted via telephone or on TEAMs.

Contact us for further information