Virtual Consultations

Tinnitus & Sound Sensitivity

virtual consultations

Advice in the comfort of your own home

Virtual consultation


EAR now offer virtual consultations for clients with tinnitus and/or sound sensitivity who can’t make it to our clinic in person.

Sessions are conducted online via MS Teams with one of our specialist Audiologists. We understand the importance of accurate timely information in helping clients habituate to their tinnitus awareness and stopping it impacting on their quality of life. We also understand how traveling to clinics and being outside of the comfort of home can be distressing to those with sound sensitivity.

These sessions include a thorough history of your symptoms and the impact that they are having on your mood, lifestyle and well-being alongside information about tinnitus and/or sound sensitivity and a plan for helping to manage these symptoms going forward.

EAR also offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Tinnitus and Sound Sensitivity virtually.

Contact us today for more information