Tinnitus Clinic

Are you bothered by troublesome Tinnitus?

tinnitus help

Tinnitus Clinic for Adults and Children


Tinnitus is the awareness of noises in the head and/or ears which have no external source. Sufferers often report a ringing but tinnitus sounds can be varied and can change over time. Some people hear one sound others have many different tinnitus noises. Tinnitus can be constant or pulsatile and in some cases involve hearing music/hymns. This 'musical tinnitus' is common in elderly people who are possibly socially isolated and have an untreated hearing impairment.

Tinnitus is very common and can affect adults and children. It is estimated that 30% of people will experience tinnitus at some point in their lives while approximately 1 in 8 will live with persistent tinnitus. Triggers for tinnitus awareness can include hearing loss, noise damage, stress and anxiety and certain medications. Tinnitus awareness can be associated with difficulties hearing, disrupted sleep, anxiety and worry, difficulties concentrating especially in quiet environments and increased sensitivity to sound.

There is currently no known 'cure' for tinnitus awareness however it is possible to 'habituate' to the tinnitus sound (or filter it out) over time. This process can be aided by treating any underlying hearing impairment with hearing aids, reducing day-day awareness with sound enrichment devices, calming the bodies physical stress responses with relaxation techniques and getting better sleep through improved sleep hygiene and sleep counselling. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has also been shown to be effective at reducing tinnitus associated distress, improving coping and overall quality of life.

At EAR we offer a 'one stop' tinnitus appointment where we will fully assess your hearing, conduct a thorough history of your tinnitus onset and also its impact and provide you with an tailored treatment plan. If an underlying hearing loss is identified we may recommend hearing aids. This option will be thoroughly discussed with you and if you decide to purchase our devices another appointment will be arranged to fit them at your convenience.

Visit our Blog for further information on Tinnitus Management

Our Assessment:

  • Thorough Medical and Tinnitus History

  • Tinnitus Impact Questionnaires

  • Examination of the outer ear and ear drum (Otoscopy)

  • Pure Tone Audiometry (Hearing Assessment)

  • Tympanometry (Middle Ear Function Assessment)

Our Management Plans may include:

  • Explanation of hearing test results and tinnitus awareness

  • Psychoeducation

  • Hearing aids (at additional cost)

  • Wearable sound generators (at additional cost)

  • Sound Enrichment

  • Relaxation Exercises

  • Sleep Hygiene Counselling

We also offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy packages for Tinnitus.


EAR are now offering virtual tinnitus consultations for those unable to attend our clinics or who are looking for general tinnitus advice. Virtual sessions are charged at a reduced price and do not include hearing assessment or ear examination. Sessions can be conducted via telephone or Zoom.

Contact us for further information